I didn't end up taking pictures of the workshop this time around, but here is the finished product at least. Brian, Wendy and Toby Froud offered a mask-making workshop this morning for a couple of hours. I enjoyed it quite a bit, as I always do. Brian led the workshop on his signature foliate mask technique.
It was neat to see everyones masks develop. As Brian mentioned at one point, we all received the same bases and the same colors and selections of paints and leaves. It was a treat to see how different each mask had become by the end of the workshop.
I met a fellow puppet-enthusiast there. Her name is deanna and she traveled to Eugene from Washington for a couple of workshops and the upcoming Faerieworlds event this weekend. It was exciting to share thoughts on puppets as we are both relatively new to their world. She said that she took a workshop in Seattle from Dmitri Carter. It was a name I haven't heard yet and it let me down and interesting surfing path on-line.
I can't wait to see what workshops the Frouds offer next year. Faerie blessings to all!
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