Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Trigger Happy Camera Finger and a Little Paper Mache

I am exhausted! I have been trying all week to ready my jewelry for my etsy shop. I spent at least two hours today taking and editing pictures of only about two dozens items. Being such a perfectionist can be annoying at times, but I wouldn't give it up. And don't get me wrong, I'm only a perfectionist when it comes to my artwork.
My studio space is a mess!

I don't think another soul could find anything in artspace but I've got the map in my head and can't find anything if I ever I clean! *contended sigh* I love existing this way. (Of course, my Tony was pleased to finally move his things out of the studio space when we acquired a second room.) Truly, there should be a support group for partners of artists and craftfolk out there! I know of several men who would be more than happy to sit in a circle and yap about us! I've wandered again...

So I have more than enough photos of my jewelry. I took shots of them on pretty green moss then dangling down the side of a pillar of basalt then on a grey felted square and finally suspended in air. I will let you know when the pictures go live. I hope that will happen sometime this weekend. Cross your fingers!


I have also dug out my paper mache again. I have a hippocampus and a dinosaur that are lingering at an inbetween stage but will be beauties one day! Bored with the normal project (hippocampus... very normal... *grin* ) I contemplated combining a few more talents into this pile of sloppy newspapers and came up with something that is taking me longer than I had planned! The idea was to twist some basic balloon figures and cover them in this gloppy, flour, paper mess!



So, I made a dachsund and a flower and have been working on them for a couple of days already! Perhaps these items will simply decorate out Saturday Market booth this spring... Ah-ha! The perpetual balloon animal! Ooh, I just may have something there! I will post those photos this weekend as well. I'm so sorry for the delay in pictures, again, we have dial-up out here in the country and a super old computer that won't accept my digital camera hookups. So... one way or another, pictures eventually make their way here.

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